Our greenhouse is small, and always packed with yummy and beautiful things. We grow most basic herbs, along with some very unique herbs and edible flowers.
This week: Hyssop
Hyssop is a member of the mint family, and as such, is a tasty edible that most people overlook. We grow a couple varieties here on the farm: Anise and Ambrosia. Both make excellent tea, but hyssop has many uses not limited to tea. Butterflies and hummingbirds love hyssop. It can grow up to 2 feet high, and flowers at the peak.
Hyssop is also an antiseptic. It can help prevent infection on wounds, and it's an antifungal.
Hyssop is a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region. It has been around since biblical times, and was known as a holy plant.
Some edible uses for hyssop include tea (of course), desserts, and many other foods. Use hyssop sparingly at first, until you get used to the taste (it can be slightly bitter when used heavily). The anise hyssop is especially good in a tea, the slight licorice flavor is quite pleasing, and the aroma is heavenly.
Most of the veggies we grow are for our own use, but we don't use pesticides on anything, and we focus on the organic ways to beat the bug and weed problems. We do a lot of canning in the fall, and we share our excess harvest with everyone!
Our main seller from the garden is Cow Boy Candy (candied jalapeno). We typically make about 120 half-pints to sell at markets, but it all depends on the harvest!
Lucinda is the main Mint grower. She grows Hyssop, and 9 other varieties of mint, plus Vanilla Grass to make dried herbal teas. Chamomile, Lavender, and her growing herb garden all contribute to one great cup if tea! She grows without any chemicals, and mixes them by hand to make the dried tea. For more info on the types of tea available this year, check our Facebook page! @mmhobbyfarm49272