Meet the Farmers
Everyone works so hard out here, it's difficult to decide who gets called a 'farmer'. We have a lot of extended family, and everyone is out here to help at some time or another, but I'm listing the ones who do this on a daily basis, in one form or another.
Michael's 'real' job is at the University of Michigan in the pharmacy, but we couldn't do anything around here without him. He's one of the beekeepers, the lawn maintenance guy, and he does all the heavy lifting and most of the repairs.
Michelle (the one on the right) is the gardener and flower-keeper. She does most of the planting and maintenance of the plants, and is the greenhouse manager. She supervises the canning process, and tells Michael where to dig the new gardens.
Scott is the other beekeeper, and his 'real' job is working on cars, so he also does some lawn maintenance and repairs. He is the woodburner, and makes really neat stuff with wood. He made our Hobby Farm sign for market!
Lucinda is the other gardener. She helps in the herb and flower gardens, and she is our succulent and tea expert. She helps take care of the chickens and the dogs and cats, and she is always thinking up new recipes with the plants we grow. She is also our Excel expert, and can make a spreadsheet for anything we ever need here on the farm.
Tommy and Mel
Mel's real job is a Pastry Chef at Zingerman's, and Tommy is a Crew Chief at Detroit Metro Airport. They are great pinch-hitters for anytime we need some extra help. They will garden, beekeep, chickensit, help with the canning and selling, or just help around the house. We eat pretty good when they show up!
This is Peyton. He is probably the biggest helper on the farm. He will feed the chickens (all day, if you let him), water the plants, dig anything--ever, chase the dogs, and count all the stepping stones in the butterfly garden just in case you forgot how to do it.